Two cases of primary CNS lymphoma treated with rituximab and temozolomide
Multi-stage automatic dough-producing system
The effects of adding Urea and Molasses to corn harvested at dough stage on silage fermentation quality, in vitro organic matter dig...
The effects of adding urea or urea plus molasses in some sorghum varieties harvested at dough stage on silage quality and digestible...
Nutritive value of different varieties and morphological fractions of oats harvested at the soft dough stage
Mathematical Model of the Wheat Stem Lodging at Dough Stage
Effect of Addition of Urea or Urea Plus Molasses to Different Corn Silages Harvested at Dough Stage on Silage Quality and Digestible...
The Quality Characteristics of Backsulgi with Dough Ripe Stage Rice and Yellow Ripe Stage Rice
Effect of Roasting Treatment on Milling Quality, Physicochemical, and Bioactive Compounds of Dough Stage Rice Grains
Comprehensive Evaluation on Lodging Resistance of Spring Wheat at Dough Stage under Drip Irrigation