Dowdies and Dandies: Oscar Wilde's Refashioning of Society Comedy
K-ras mutations in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic tumors: effects of supplemental dietary calcium and vitamin D deficiency.
Effects of clear-cut logging on the diversity and persistence of ectom...
Monthly mean climatology of the prevailing winds and tides in the Arctic mesosphere/lower thermosphere
Short-term consumption of a low-fat diet beneficially affects plasma lipid concentrations only when accompanied by weight loss. Hype...
RBP2-H1/JARID1B is a transcriptional regulator with a tumor suppressive potential in melanoma cells
The impact of the absolute number and ratio of positive lymph nodes on survival of endometrioid uterine cancer patients
System for categorizing soil redox status by chemical field testing
Mixed-Species Flocking and Foraging Behavior of ...
Identification of three randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction markers for distinguishing Asian and North Amer...