downside risk跌价风险;下跌风险
on the downside下降中,衰落中,衰减中
- However, there is a downside to Martin's offbeat effectiveness.
尽管如此,马丁那非比寻常的得分效率其实已经呈现下降趋势。 - In recent weeks, the risks to inflation have shifted decisively to the downside.
在最近几周内,通胀风险已转向果断地下降趋势。 - The downside of a high-carbohydrate diet, especially a diet loaded with sugar, is reduced fat metabolism and fatigue.
高醣饮食的负面影响是减少脂肪的代谢和造成疲劳,特别是吃太多甜食。 - Despite some women's reticence to do away completely with their monthly period, gynecologic experts agreed that there was no physiological"downside"to a period-free life.
The Downside of Downsizing
The downside of social capital
PTEN: the downside of PI3-kinase signaling
A Brief History of Downside Risk Measures
Asset Allocation in a Downside-Risk Framework
Downside Risk Implications of Multinationality and International Joint Ventures
Performance Measurement in a Downside Risk Framework
Unsolved mysteries: The Tocqueville files II: The downside of social capital
Corporate risk-return relations: Returns variability versus downside risk
Channel Coordination with a Risk-Neutral Supplier and a Downside-Risk-Averse Retailer