- She founded the club and is now our doyenne.
Doyenne of Philippine publishing
Pear variety named 'Rode Doyenne Van Doorn'
Quality and aroma production of Doyenne du comice pears in relation to harvest date and storage atmosphere
Storage disorder and ripening behavior of 'Doyenne du Comice' pears in relation to storage conditions
Site of (2RS,3RS)-paclobutrazol promotion of axillary flower initiation in pear cv. Doyenne du Comice.
HEAD NORTH FOR A NEW ITALIAN JOB ; Knitwear Doyenne Rosita Missoni Has Brought a Dash of Fashionista Colour to Old Edinburgh, as Wel...
Effect of (2, 3)-paclobutrazol on endogenous indole-3-acetic acid in shoot apices of pear cv. Doyenne du Comice
The mechanism of the effect of (2RS, 3RS)-paclobutrazol on flower initiation of pear cvs Doyenne du Comice and Conference
Effect of (2RS, 3RS)-paclobutrazol on endogenous indole-3-acetic acid in shoot apices of pear cv. Doyenne du Comice
Influence of UV‐B radiation on developmental changes, ethylene, CO2 flux and polyamines in cv. Doyenne d'Hiver pear shoots grown in...