- Religious officials, dressed in costumes with a crown for the king and diadems for the others, make offerings of food and wine in sacred vessels.
All Dressed Up With Something to Say: Effects of Typeface Semantic Associations on Brand Perceptions and Consumer Memory
Phage display: all dressed up and ready to role
Plate For Making Dressed Up Hair
All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go: The Discourse of Ecological Modernization in Alberta, Canada
All dressed up and nowhere to go? A qualitative research study of the barriers and enablers to cycling in inner Sydney
All dressed up but nowhere to go? Delayed hospital discharges and older people
All Dressed Up: The Sixties and the Counterculture
Chemical biology: dressed-up proteins
Advocacy dressed up as science: response to
All Dressed Up with Someplace to Go: Regional Identity in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight