- Three fish species of particular interest to the fishmeal and fish oil are Capelin, Spring Spawning Herring and Blue Whiting.
Stability to oxidation of spray-dried fish oil powder microencapsulated using milk ingredients.
Microencapsulation and oxidative stability of spray-dried fish oil emulsions
Feeding trial on rainbow trout: comparison of dry fish feed and Baltic herring as a source of PCDD/Fs and PCBs
Storage of dried fish skins on quality characteristics of extracted gelatin.
Oxidative deterioration in dried fish model systems assessed by solid sample fluorescence spectrophotometry.
The nutritional properties of co-dried fish silage in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) dry diets.
Formation of N-Nitroso-N-methylurea in Various Samples of Smoked/Dried Fish, Fish Sauce, Seafoods, and Ethnic Fermented/Pickled Vege...
Histamine level and histamine-forming bacteria in dried fish products sold in Penghu Island of Taiwan.
Carcinogenic nitrosamines in Cantonese salt-dried fish.
A nondestructive technique for the recovery of DNA from dried fish otoliths for subsequent molecular genetic analysis