- Never treat shrimps not as seafood.
Kinetics of astaxanthin degradation and color changes of dried shrimp during storage
Fatty acids and cholesterol oxidation in salted and dried shrimp.
Drying characteristics of heat pump dried shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and fish cake
The feeding value of sun-dried shrimp waste-meal based diets for starter and finisher broilers
Physical and sensory properties of heat pump dried shrimp(Pandalus borealis)
Solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection method for Rhodamine B in dried shrimp
Analysis of radiation-induced hydrocarbons and 2-alkylcyclobutanones from dried shrimps (Penaeus aztecus)
Astacene pigment loss occurring in freezedried shrimp and salmon during storage
Method for preparing superfine shrimp sauce and shrimp meal from shrimp heads and dried shrimps
Synthesis of fluorescent nitrogen-doped carbon dots from dried shrimps for cell imaging and boldine drug delivery system