FIELD EXPERIMENTS SHOW THAT ACOUSTIC PINGERS REDUCE MARINE MAMMAL BYCATCH IN THE CALIFORNIA DRIFT GILL NET FISHERYThe Fauna Associated with Drift Algae Captured with a Plankton-Mesh Purse Seine NetCessation of the Norwegian drift net fishery: changes observed in Norwegian and Russian populations of Atlantic salmonA Net For the Capture of Stream Drift OrganismsTrophic relationships of albatrosses associated with squid and large-mesh drift-net fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean.Process-based modelling of invertebrate drift transport, net energy intake and reach carrying capacity for drift-feeding salmonidsEstimates of Marine Mammal, Sea Turtle, and Seabird Mortality in the California Drift Gillnet Fishery for Swordfish and Thresher Sha...California drift gill net fishery for sharks and swordfish, 1981-82 through 1990-91Problems of drift-net fisheries in the South PacificSampling the vertical particle flux in the upper water column using a large diameter free-drifting NetTrap adapted to an Indented Ro...