temperature drift温度漂移
genetic drift遗传漂变,基因漂变
zero drift零点漂移;最小容量;起点电容
drift into将…赶进;不知不觉地陷入
drift along随波逐流;任其自然
drift away渐渐疏远,慢慢散去
baseline drift基线漂移
drift sand流砂;流沙
drift tube漂移管;漂流管
drift apart漂离,疏远;各奔东西
drift angle漂移角;偏航角
frequency drift频率漂移;频漂
wind drift飞砂,漂流;风偏流
drift velocity漂移速度
drift region漂移区域
continental drift大陆漂移说
low drift低漂移
drift out越野赛车
drift off渐渐离去;漫无目的地移动;迷迷糊糊地睡去
on the drift ◎(船)漂流 , ◎[美国英语](因失业而)流浪
- A small boat was drifting along.
一条小船正向前漂流着。 - There are some drifting petals in that river.
Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams
Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams
Learning drifting concepts: Example selection vs. example weighting
Learning drifting concepts: Example selection vs. example weighting
Mining concept-drifting data streams using ensemble classifiers
Mining Concept-Drifting and Noisy Data Streams Using Ensemble Classifiers
Stationary and drifting spiral waves of excitation in isolated cardiac muscle.
The drifting city: the role of affect and repair in the development of "Enabling Environments".
Systematic data selection to mine concept-drifting data streams
Performance assessment of active frequency drifting islanding detection methods