- We first drove the stakes into the ground.
我们首先把桩打入地里。 - You put air into a bicycle tyre through the valve.
你通过汽嘴把空气打入自行车轮胎。 - The ship steamed into the harbor.
船驶入了港湾。 - If you can't drive in forwards, try backing it in.
若不能开车正面驶入,不妨倒车进去。 - The Goths are being driven into Roman territory by the Huns.
哥特人是被匈奴人赶入罗马境内的。 - With the Orcs' aid, the Tauren scattered the Centaur into the wilderness.
T-helper-1-cell cytokines drive cancer into senescence
ATR signaling can drive cells into senescence in the absence of DNA breaks
Method and apparatus for starting an AC drive into a rotating motor
BuCy RAFs drive cells into MEK addiction
CDKs give Cdc6 a license t drive into S phase
The lost generation hypothesis: could climate change drive ectotherms into a developmental trap?
Positive clutch for portable power tool - has locking ring to disengage main gear from driven bush by moving drive rollers into clea...
Gene-drive into insect populations with age and spatial structure: a theoretical assessment.
CAR T therapies drive into new terrain.
Integration of an electrical drive into a tangential threshing cylinder