Observations on the ultrastructure of a mammary ductule 1
Bile ductule formation in fetal, neonatal, and infant livers compared with extrahepatic biliary atresia
Epididymal lithiasis in roosters and efferent ductule and testicular damage.
SgIGSF is a novel biliary-epithelial cell adhesion molecule mediating duct/ductule development.
Sertoli-Sertoli junctions and Sertoli-spermatid junctions after efferent ductule ligation and lanthanum treatment
Characterizations of and interactions between bile ductule cells and hepatocytes in early stages of rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced...
Cytotoxicity of bile salts against biliary epithelium: A study in isolated bile ductule fragments and isolated perfused rat liver
Aquaporin‐1 and −9 are differentially regulated by oestrogen in the efferent ductule epithelium and initial segment of the epididy...