Sonography case of the day. Allantoic cyst of the umbilical cordAllantoin and Allantoic Acid in Tissues and Stem Exudate from Field-grown Soybean Plants.Allantoin and Allantoic Acid in the Nitrogen Economy of the Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.)Unusual abundance of arginine and ornithine in porcine allantoic fluid.THE AGGLUTINATION OF RED CELLS BY ALLANTOIC FLUID OF CHICK EMBRYOS INFECTED WITH INFLUENZA VIRUS.Angiotensin II stimulates angiogenesis in the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick embryoEvidence for intussusceptive capillary growth in the chicken chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM)Detection of Newcastle disease virus RNA in infected allantoic fluids by in vitro enzymatic amplification (PCR).The allantois and chorion, when isolated before circulation or chorio-allantoic fusion, have hematopoietic potential.Maternal dietary protein deficiency decreases amino acid concentrations in fetal plasma and allantoic fluid of pigs