- In writing, the title `Doctor' is abbreviated to `Dr'.
在书写时,Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr. - It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing.
在正式的书面语中使用缩写语通常是不能接受的。 - The teacher asked me to abbreviate my report to one page .
老师让我把报告缩短为一页。 - The United States of america is commonly abbreviated to U.S.a..
美利坚合众国常被缩略为 U.
Abbreviating proofs by adding new axioms
Abbreviating the Duke Social Support Index for use in chronically ill elderly individuals.
The Risk of Abbreviating the Major Crossmatch in Urgent or Massive Transfusion
Abbreviating MMPI item administration: What can be learned from the MMPI for the MMPI—2?
Abbreviating and compacting text to cope with display space constraint in computer software
System and method for abbreviating information sent to a viewing device
Progenesis as a means of abbreviating life histories in two new zealand trematodes
A Study of Methods for Systematically Abbreviating English Words and Names
Robust Approach to Abbreviating Terms: A Discriminative Latent Variable Model with Global Information
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions: abbreviating posttreatment surveillance.