EDA: Exploratory data analysisDE/EDA: A new evolutionary algorithm for global optimization ☆The Tabby Phenotype is Caused by Mutation in a Mouse Homologue of the EDA Gene that Reveals Novel Mouse and Human Exons and Encodes ...Cloning of Tabby, the Murine Homolog of the Human EDA Gene: Evidence for a Membrane-Associated Protein with a Short Collagenous DomainRegulated splicing of the fibronectin EDA exon is essential for proper skin wound healing and normal lifespanTeaching Method of Analog Electronic Technology Based on EDA Simulation TechnologyLarge-area ultrathin films of reduced graphene oxide as a transparent and flexible electronic materialLongitudinal unzipping of carbon nanotubes to form graphene nanoribbonsTGF-β receptor-mediated signalling through Smad2, Smad3 and Smad4The chemistry of two-dimensional layered transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets.