- The prosody of Beowulf is based on alliteration, not end rhymes.
Alliteration and assonance in neologistic jargon aphasia
Rhyme and alliteration in poems elicited from young children
Rhyme and alliteration, phoneme detection, and learning to read.
The alliteration in Shakespeare's sonnets: a study in literary behavior.
The Mnemonic Effect of Noticing Alliteration in Lexical Chunks
Sweet Silent Thought: Alliteration and Resonance in Poetry Comprehension
Finding ways to make phrase-learning feasible: The mnemonic effect of alliteration
ADD students with and without dyslexia differ in sensitivity to rhyme and alliteration
The Effects of Global Similarity between Stimuli on Children's Judgment of Rime and Alliteration.
Psychometric Characteristics OF Individual Growth and Development Indicators : Picture Naming, Rhyming, and Alliteration