
英 [ə'ləʊdjəl]
美 [ə'loʊdjəl]
  • adj.


  • 学习怎么用


    Allodial Traces
    Allodial Traces
    Allodial Pedagogy for Land and Water Education
    Allodial Pedagogy for Land and Water Education
    A precedent-setting case of allodial ownership of customary land in Ghana
    The development of the allodial economy on Slavonian estates in the middle of the 18th century
    Spin-charge exchange in allodial radical ions, a novel intramolecular single electron transfer equilibrium
    The British acquisition of New Holland: a residuum of allodial sovereignties?
    Allodial land rights (the Odelsrett) and early nineteenth century Norwegian nationalism: Propertied sovereignty as national sovereig...
    Rejecting the feudal doctrine of tenure within a pluralist land culture : toward an allodial land model