emanate from v. 放射;发源于;出自
- I wish I am a cup of tea, leave the misery in my heart and emanate the fragrance!
我愿意做茶,把枯涩留在心里,散发出来的都是清香。 - Soul Power is a power that can only emanate from within.
Interphase chromosomes in Arabidopsis are organized as well defined chromocenters from which euchromatin loops emanate
Apixaban compared to heparin/vitamin K antagonist in patients with atrial fibrillation scheduled for cardioversion: the EMANATE trial
Longitudinally flexible expandable stent
Sound generation in a mixing layer
An experimental study of dynamics of drop formation
The one‐atom cage effect: Continuum processes in I2–Ar below the B‐state dissociation limit
Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control.a sedimentological approach
The moral judgment of the child.
Identification of Lps2 as a key transducer of MyD88-independent TIR signalling