Teacher cognition : a study of secondary English teachers
Executive Compensation: Is It Right?
Intravenous phosphate repletion regimen for critically ill patients with moderate hypophosphatemia.
Hemilabile β-aminophosphine ligands derived from 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane: application in aqueous ruthenium catalyzed nitri...
Diversity and distribution of macrofungi (mushrooms) in the Mount Cameroon Region
Outer Membrane Vesicles Mediate Transport of Biologically Active Vibrio cholerae Cytolysin (VCC) from V. cholerae Strains
Ethnomycological studies of edible and medicinal mushrooms in the Mount Cameroon region (Cameroon, Africa).
IMMIGRANT ENTREPRENEURSHIP : Case studies of challenges faced by immigrant entrepreneurs in a large and small Swedish city
Tracking the potential, development, and impact of informationand communication technologies in sub-Saharan Africa
Methods of Restoring Patency to Occluded Feeding Tubes