Flexible Adaptation PathwaysNeural Enquirer: Learning to Query Tables with Natural LanguageThe Celestial Enquirer: 101 Jovian NightsNeural Enquirer: Learning to Query Tables in Natural LanguageA tale of ten fallacies: The skeptical enquirer's view of the carbon dioxide/climate controversyASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION OF DRUG INFORMATION SERVICE PROVIDED BY PHARMACY PRACTICE DEPARTMENT BASED ON ENQUIRER’S PERSPECTIVETowards an industrial history of celebrity gossip: The National Enquirer, People Magazine and ‘personality journalism’ in the 1970sA natural inquiry into the national enquirer: Self‐induced versus task‐induced reading comprehensionIslEnquirer: Social user model acquisition through network analysis and interactive learningIslEnquirer: Social user model acquisition through network analysis and interactive learning