- She came to dinner along with her boyfriend.
她和她的男朋友一道来用餐。 - He is the last person that I'll get along with.
他是我最不愿与之相处的人。 - Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems.
与这些读者来信一起还刊登对这些问题的回答,由那些被认为能够解决这些问题的人来撰写。 - Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.
在多数国家,烟草和酒都要征税。 - He walked down the street with a swagger.
他沿着街昂首阔步地走着。 - Carrying heavy loads, they toiled along the road.
他们身背重负,沿着道路艰难行进。 - The world trading system is changing along with technology.
Allotransplantation of the pancreas and duodenum along with the kidney in diabetic nephropathy.Mice Transgenic for Baff Develop Lymphocytic Disorders along with Autoimmune ManifestationsEbola Virus VP40 Drives the Formation of Virus-Like Filamentous Particles Along with GPMigration of tumor cells in 3D matrices is governed by matrix stiffness along with cell-matrix adhesion and proteolysisAn albumin enhancer located 10 kb upstream functions along with its promoter to direct efficient, liver-specific expression in trans...Dendritic cells are specialized accessory cells along with TGF- for the differentiation of Foxp3+ CD4+ regulatory T cells from perip...B-cell depletion and remissions of malignancy along with cytokine-associated toxicity in a clinical trial of anti-CD19 chimeric-anti...An unexpected discovery of two interferon gamma-like genes along with interleukin (IL)-22 and -26 from teleost: IL-22 and -26 genes ...Mutations in smooth muscle alpha-actin (ACTA2) cause coronary artery disease, stroke, and Moyamoya disease, along with thoracic aort...The treatment of mild hypertension study. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of a nutritional-hygienic regimen along with variou...