Abducent nerve palsy following dental local analgesia.ABERRANT ROOTS OF THE ABDUCENT NERVEDuplicated abducent nerve and its course: microanatomical study and surgery-related considerations.Detailed MR imaging anatomy of the abducent nerve: evagination of CSF into Dorello canalAcquired oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent cranial nerve palsies in pediatric patientsUnilateral abducent nerve palsy: A rare complication following a le fort i maxillary osteotomy following a le fort I maxillary osteo...Origin and migration of trochlear, oculomotor and abducent motor neurons in Petromyzon marinus lThe central-peripheral transitional regions of cranial nerves. Trochlear and abducent nervesOno K, Arai H, Endo T, et al. Detailed MR imaging anatomy of the abducent nerve: evagination of CSF into Dorello canal. AJNR Am J Ne...Detailed magnetic resonance imaging anatomy of the cisternal segment of the abducent nerve: Dorello's canal and neurovascular relati...