Minipercutaneous nephorlithotomy.Trephor: A New Tool for Sampling Microcores from tree stemsThe Mayfly,Ephoron Virgo (Olivier), back in the Dutch parts of the rivers Rhine and MeuseLife history and production of Ephoron album (Say) (Ephemeroptera: Pol...Ephor advises on oral anticoagulants in patients older than 75 years: Restrained from direct oral anticoagulants in frail elderlyMicrobial activities in the burrow environment of the potamal mayfly Ephoron virgoCombined effects of lowered oxygen and toxicants (copper and diazinon) on the mayfly Ephoron virgoMixture toxicity of copper and diazinon to larvae of the mayfly (Ephoron virgo) judging additivity at different effect levelsMixture toxicity of copper and diazinon to larvae of the mayfly (Ephoron virgo) judging additivity at different effect levels.Life history and production of the burrowing mayfly Ephoron virgo (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae) in the lower Ebro...