The zebrafish epiboly mutants.Cell movements during epiboly and gastrulation in zebrafish.The cellular basis of epiboly: an SEM study of deep-cell rearrangement during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis.O-GlcNAc modifications regulate cell survival and epiboly during zebrafish development.Organization and function of microfilaments during late epiboly in zebrafish embryosUltraviolet irradiation impairs epiboly in zebrafish embryos: evidence for a microtubule-dependent mechanism of epibolyMicrotubule arrays of the zebrafish yolk cell: organization and function during epiboly.Regulation of cell polarity, radial intercalation and epiboly in Xenopus: novel roles for integrin and fibronectin.Mutations in half baked/E-cadherin block cell behaviors that are necessary for teleost epiboly.The Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule EpCAM Is Required for Epithelial Morphogenesis and Integrity during Zebrafish Epiboly and Skin...