
  • 游离基因的(生物学术语)



plasmid episomal附加体质粒

episomal vector 附加型载体 ; 游离型载体

episomal template游离基因模板

episomal rebend附加型复制

episomal agent释义附加体

episomal replication 附加型复制 ; 游离型复制

episomal dna附加体dna

episomal vectors非整合型附着体载体

episomal integration附加体整合



Episomal vectors rapidly and stably produce high-titer recombinant retrovirus.
Silencing of episomal transgene expression by plasmid bacterial DNA elements in vivo
Episomal and integrated human papillomavirus in cervical neoplasia shown by non-isotopic in situ hybridisation.
Persistence of episomal HIV-1 infection intermediates in patients onhighly active anti-retroviral therapy
Intrinsic Stability of Episomal Circles Formed during Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Replication
Targeted gene correction of episomal DNA in mammalian cells mediated by a chimeric RNA.DNA oligonucleotide.
Roles of chromosomal and episomal dinB genes encoding DNA pol IV in targeted and untargeted mutagenesis in Escherichia coli
Human papillomavirus type 16 is episomal and a high viral load may be correlated to better prognosis in tonsillar cancer
Long-term episomal maintenance of bovine papillomavirus type 1 plasmids is determined by attachment to host chromosomes, which Is me...
In vitro synthesis of oncogenic human papillomaviruses requires episomal genomes for differentiation-dependent late expression