- The policy aims to improve the health of the banking system so growth can resume, while dividing the cost of paying for the mistakes of the past more equitably.
Interventions to address deaths from childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea equitably: what works and at what cost?
Global biodiversity strategy. Guidelines for action to save study and use Earths biotic wealth sustainably and equitably.
Transmitter directed code division multiple access system using path diversity to equitably maximize throughput
Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea 2 Interventions to address deaths from childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea equitably: what works and...
Are neighbourhood food resources distributed inequitably by income and race in the USA? Epidemiological findings across the urban sp...
New Directions in Equity Research 1 2
Equitable aggregations and multiple criteria analysis
Real-time worldwide wireless golf competition network
Equitable coloring of trees
Global biodiversity strategy: guidelines for action to save, study and use earth's biotic health sustainably and equitaly