用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- erect bearing挺直的体态
- erect tree挺拔的树
动词+~- hold oneself erect保持姿势挺直
- stand erect直立
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- erect a dam筑堤坝
- erect an embankment筑一道堤
- erect a flagstaff竖旗杆
- erect a fort筑堡垒
- erect fortifications构筑工事
- erect a new government建立新政府
- erect a pagoda建一座塔
- erect a tablet竖立碑石
- erect a tariff wall竖立关税壁垒
- erect a temple修建庙宇
- erect trade barrier设置贸易障碍
~+副词- erect firmly牢固地建立
- erect grandly重大地建立
- erect loftily高高地建立
- erect staunchly坚定地建立
- erect toweringly高耸地建立
- erect triumphantly胜利地竖起
~+介词- erect from designs by根据…设计而建造
- erect into使…成为
- They erected their tent at the foot of the mountain.
他们在山脚下支起了帐篷。 - The town will erect a monument to its war heroes .
这个市镇将为该城的战斗英雄们立个纪念碑。 - Six policemen started to erect a roadblock.
六个警察着手建立一道路障。 - They plan to erect an apartment house on that property.
他们计划在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼。 - Humans erect cities to shelter themselves from nature's capricious ways.
- She held her head erect and her back straight.
她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。 - For a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression.
对狗而言,竖立起来的尾巴表示进攻。 - Soldiers are trained to stand erect.
Potcntial erects of subglacial water-pressure fluctuations on quarrying
Effects directs et inderects de la R&D sur la productivite: une analyse de l'industrie manufacturiere Belge
On the classification of the Tylenchida, new order (Nematoda, Phasmidia).
Inflatable thermal blanket with a foot drape
Resistance to new technology and trade between areas
The T-cell transcription factor NFATp is a substrate for calcineurin and interacts with Fos and Jun
The Arabidopsis ERECTA Gene Encodes a Putative Receptor Protein Kinase with Extracellular Leucine-Rich Repeats
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Regulation of gene expression programs during Arabidopsis seed development: roles of the ABI3 locus and of endogenous abscisic acid.