
英 [əl'jʊlə]
美 [əl'jʊlə]
  • adj.


  • 英英释义


    • adj.pertaining to alulae


    mirror, a Drosophila homeobox gene in the Iroquois complex, is required for sensory organ and alula formation
    Osteology of Icadyptes salasi, a giant penguin from the Eocene of Peru
    Is the expression of autogeny by Culex molestus Forskal (Diptera: Culicidae) influenced by larval nutrition or by adult mating, suga...
    Odin: A Dynamic Simulation Tool for Robotic Path Planning
    Surgical Treatment and Perioperative Handling for 23 Cases with Critical Valvular Disease of the Heart
    Effects of spironolactone in an experimental model of chronic cyclosporine nephrotoxicity
    Improving of the accuracy of in vitro-in vivo linear correlation using kinetic models for ultra sustained release theophylline table...
    Pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine. Part I: A new bioequivalency parameter based on a relative bioavailability trial.
    Unilateral cutaneous vasculitis: An uncommon presentation and a possible explanation.
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