ex vivo n. [医]间接体内疗法 , adj. [医]来自体内的
ex post依据过去经济发展情形分析的
ex officio依据职权;按照职务的
ex situ非原位;天然状态外
ex ante事前;采取措施前
ex post facto (拉丁语)事后的;(拉丁语)溯及既往的 , adv. (拉丁语)事后的;(拉丁语)追溯的
ex factory工厂交货
ex gratia(拉)作为优惠的;[商]通融的
Risk of osteoarthritis associated with long-term weight-bearing sports: a radiologic survey of the hips and knees in female ex-athle...
Crowea exalata - Growing Native Plants
Ex-post compensation payments for wolf predation on livestock in Italy: a tool for conservation?
Gelation of ionic liquid-based electrolytes with silica nanoparticles for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells.
Novel zero-current-transition PWM converters
From Prison Cell to Campus ; UNIVERSITIES ++ the First Ex-Prisoners to Be Given Scholarships by the Longford Trust Graduated This Su...
Augmentation of umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplantation with ex vivo-expanded UCB cells: results of a phase 1 trial using the Aas...
Impulsivity and cigarette smoking: Delay discounting in current, never, and ex-smokers.
Structure of central airways in current smokers and ex-smokers with and without mucus hypersecretion: relationship to lung function.
Making good: How ex-convicts reform and rebuild their lives