用作介词 (prep.)
动词+~- be above oneself自高自大;兴高采烈
- get above oneself自视甚高,自高自大
- keep head above water保持不沉入水中,维持生活,应付工作
- keep one's head above ground保住性命
- keep one's head above water使自己免遭灭顶之灾;使自己免于负债〔失败,损失〕
- live above one's income入不敷出
- live above one's means入不敷出
- marry above oneself同地位比自己高的人结婚
- put...above把…看得比…重要
- raise oneself above the crowd显示自己比大多数人好;显示自己与众不同
- rise above升到…之上,超越…,克服,沾沾自喜
- rise above the crowd显示自己比大多数人好;显示自己与众不同
- talk above sb's head谈论的事别人不理解
- tower above远比…高,超越…
~+名词- above all尤其是,最重要的是
- above board在桌面上的;公开的;光明正大的
- above criticism无可指责
- above exception无可非议的(地)
- above one's head超过…的理解力
- above one's income入不敷出
- above par在票面价值以上
- above praise赞美不尽
- above prejudice没有〔摆脱〕偏见
- above price无价的,极贵重的,价值连城
- above reproach无可指摘,完美无缺
- above suspicion无可怀疑
- above the average超过一般水平
- above the law不受法律约束
- above the salt在席上
- above (the) water在水面上;摆脱麻烦〔困境,债务〕
名词+~- a cut above胜过…一筹
- a notch above others比其他的人高一筹
~+形容词介词+~- over and above除…之外(还);多于;过于,太
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- above interpretation上面的解释
- above reason上述理由
- above statement上面的陈述
above oneself自高自大;趾高气扬;兴高采烈
above all首先;尤其是
from above从…上面;从上级;从天上
all above以上都是;所有上面的
all of the above上述全部
well above大大超过;远高于…
over and above除…之外;在…之上
above and beyond大于
get above oneself变得自高自大;自视甚高
over, on, above
over 在正上方 fly over the hill
- The glider was soaring above the valley.
那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔。 - Applicants must be above the age of 18.
申请者的年龄必须超过18岁。 - The temperature has been above the average recently.
近来的气温一直比平均温度高。 - The sun rose above the horizon.
太阳升到地平线上。 - The bird is flying low above the water.
那只鸟在水面上低飞。 - A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army.
- The above bedroom is mine.
上面的房间是我的。 - From the above statement, I think he is right.
- We are fascinated by the stars twinkling above.
天空中闪烁的星星让我们陶醉着。 - Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.
从上面往下看,那些农田像是几何图案。 - The temperature is six above.
温度在零上六度。 - He wrote a book with 200 pages and above.
他写了一本篇幅为200页以上的书。 - She married above her.
她嫁给了社会地位比她高的人。 - Above all, it is the present that we should cherish.
最重要的是,我们要珍惜现在。 - All the details have been listed above.
Classification of Mammals Above Species Level
Classifi cation of mammals above the species level
Angiosperm Evolution. (Book Reviews: Flowering Plants. Evolution above the Species Level)
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Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing
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Deals from Hell: M&A Lessons that Rise Above the Ashes
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