expressive force表现力
expressive function表达功能;表现功能
- I begin to seek right expressive way.
我开始寻找合适的表达方式。 - It's an expressive piece of music.
这是一首抒情乐曲。 - She gave us an expressive smile.
她意味深长地笑了笑。 - She has wonderfully expressive eyes.
Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics
Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics
Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics
Snoop: an expressive event specification language for active databases
On the Nature of the Function Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality
Supportive-expressive group therapy and distress in patients with metastatic breast cancer: a randomized clinical intervention trial.
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption: An Expressive, Efficient, and Provably Secure Realization
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption: An Expressive, Efficient, and Provably Secure Realization
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption: An Expressive, Efficient, and Provably Secure Realization
On the Nature of the Function Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality, and on a New Mode of Determining the Value of Life Contingen...