- Its finely-tuned operability, a strong point of Japanese industrial craftsmanship, and expressiveness created unabashed excitement in the judging area.
其精调可操作性,一个强大的日本工业的工艺,并创造泰然自若表现兴奋的评判地区。 - It's also very important to add bones in the cheekbone to raise or lower them, since they are very much related to the expressiveness of the face.
Real-time logics: complexity and expressiveness
Real-time logics: complexity and expressiveness
Real-time logics: complexity and expressiveness
Wrapper induction: Efficiency and expressiveness
Decision procedures and expressiveness in the temporal logic of branching time
Decision procedures and expressiveness in the temporal logic of branching time
Decision procedures and expressiveness in the temporal logic of branching time
Achieving scalability and expressiveness in an Internet-scale event notification service
Two conceptions of happiness: Contrasts of personal expressiveness (eudaimonia) and hedonic enjoyment.
Family-Peer Connections: The Roles of Emotional Expressiveness within the Family and Children's Understanding of Emotions