- The whaling ship came to grief on a hidden rock.
捕鲸船触礁出了事。 - For there were many whaling ships, scattered over the oceans of the world so adventurously that they often passed a year without seeing another ship.
The factory ship ; and, The absentee landlordFISH FACTORY SHIP FOR FISHING, FATTENING AND TRANSPORTATIONMODELLING AND SIMULATION OF A FISH PROCESSING FACTORY SHIPExposure of the crew of a fishing trawler-factory ship to noise.Isolation of taurine from cooking wastes of anchovy factory shipVisual observations on Antarctic krill made on board the factory shipMETHOD FOR PROCESSING FISH, PARTICULARLY TUNAS, AND FACTORY SHIP SUITABLE FOR SUCH A METHODWhy a Boom in Proletarian Literature in Japan? The Kobayashi Takiji Memorial and The Factory ShipAngiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity in Peptic Hydrolysates of Cooking Discards from Anchovy Factory ShipA Simulation-Based Ergonomic and Operational Analysis for the Improvement of a Fish Processing Factory Ship : International Journal ...