- Cream donuts are delicious but fattening.
奶油炸面圈好吃但易发胖。 - Pasta is not as fattening as people think it is.
意面并不是人们想像的那样容易让人发胖。 - We should avoid fattening foods and take more exercise.
我们应该避免吃脂肪高的食物,多锻炼身体。 - Herds are fattening on the early clover.
Variants of fattening and flavor symmetry restoration
Lipoprotein metabolism and fattening in poultry
Pre‐migratory “fattening” usually involves more than the deposition of fat alone
Energetics of fattening and starvation in the long-distance migratory garden warbler, Sylvia borin, during the migratory phase
[Growth stimulating effect of salinomycine in breeding and fattening of pigs (author's transl)].
Changes in patterns of corticosterone secretion concurrent with migratory fattening in a neotropical migratory bird.
The influence of pleural lesions in the pig at slaughter on the duration of the fattening period: an on-farm study
Influence of dietary factors on nitrogen partitioning and composition of urine and feces of fattening pigs
Structural changes in intramuscular connective tissue during the fattening of Japanese black cattle: effect of marbling on beef tend...
Effects of graded levels of Fusarium toxin contaminated wheat in diets for fattening pigs on growth performance, nutrient digestibil...