- We present a 18-year-old young lady with primary amenorrhea due to mullerian agenesis.
Amenorrhea associated with bilateral polycystic ovaries *Delayed menarche and amenorrhea in ballet dancersAmenorrhea in Premenopausal Women After Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast CancerDelayed Menarche and Amenorrhea of College Athletes in Relation to Age of Onset of TrainingHypoleptinemia in women athletes: absence of a diurnal rhythm with amenorrheaRisk for Sustained Amenorrhea in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Receiving Intermittent Pulse Cyclophosphamide TherapyA comparison of cabergoline and bromocriptine in the treatment of hyperprolactinemic amenorrheaGymnasts exhibit higher bone mass than runners despite similar prevalence of amenorrhea and oligomenorrheaScoliosis and fractures in young ballet dancers. Relation to delayed menarche and secondary amenorrhea.A comparison of cabergoline and bromocriptine in the treatment of hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea : Webster J.; Piscitelli G.; Polli A...