- How does abrupt sex amenorrhoea do the friend?
朋友突然性闭经怎么办? - Some people because this can abrupt temporary amenorrhoea, also exist.
AmenorrhoeaAmenorrhoea.AmenorrhoeaPrimary amenorrhoea and infertility due to a mutation in the |[beta]||[ndash]|subunit of follicle|[ndash]|stimulating hormoneInitial investigation of amenorrhoeaRole of leptin in energy-deprivation states: normal human physiology and clinical implications for hypothalamic amenorrhoea and anor...Amenorrhoea traumatica (atretica).Should amenorrhoea be necessary for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Evidence from a Canadian community sample.INCIDENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF HYPERPROLACTINAEMIA IN WOMEN WITH AMENORRHOEACytogenetic studies in primary amenorrhoeaHistory of amenorrhoea compromises some of the exercise-induced benefits in cortical and trabecular bone in the peripheral and axial...Contraceptive efficacy of lactational amenorrhoea.THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE: AMENORRHOEA TRAUMATICA (ATRETICA).