- Some of the most committed bibliophiles maintain an almost fetishistic devotion to the physical book.
Are Desires De Dicto Fetishistic?Egalitarianism, Fetishistic and OtherwiseFetishistic behavior. A contribution to its complex development and significanceShrouded in a fetishistic mist: commoditisation of sustainability in tourism.Three clinically discrete categories of fetishistic transvestismPhallometric Detection of Fetishistic Arousal in Heterosexual Male Cross-DressersThe development of a fetishistic perversion. The contribution of preoedipal phase conflictUse of Relaxation in the Short-Term Treatment of Fetishistic Behavior: An Exploratory Case Study[The soiling and damaging of baby carriages--fetishistic regression into early childhood with neurotic aggression]A Test of the DSM-III-R's Implicit Assumption That Fetishistic Arousal and Gender Dysphoria Are Mutually Exclusive