- The royal palace was filled with intrigue.
皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。 - My room is filled with the odor of roses.
我的房间里充满了玫瑰花的香味。 - The hall was filled with choking clouds of smoke.
大厅里充满了使人窒息的烟雾。 - I am filled with desire to go back home.
An ldiot's guide to photoshop
Will New York City survive sea-level rise?
Brake fluid
Spatial Ecology of Eastern Yellow-Bellied Racer (Coluber constrictor f...
Spatial Ecology of Eastern Yellow-Bellied Racer (Coluber constrictor flaviventris) and Great Plains Rat Snake (Pantherophis emoryi) ...
Picosecond electron deflectometry of optical-field ionized plasmas
Coherent Soft-X-Ray Pulses at Multi MHz Repetition Rates Using Enhancement Cavities
Ergebnis einer Fünf-Jahresverlaufsstudie bei HBsAg-Trägern
Dental vacuum system with foot-actuated valve
X‐ray laser experiments by using a gas puff target with the ASTERIX IV facility