- Conclusions Ocular surface reconstruction by human amnion transplantation is a good method for operation.
结论人类羊膜移植重建眼表是一种良好的手术方法。 - This could also lead to a rupture of an unsupported amnion and formation of amniotic bands.
The amnion in surgery, past and present.
Amnion-derived pluripotent/multipotent stem cells
Amnion graft following hysteroscopic lysis of intrauterine adhesions
Human amnion-isolated cells normalize blood glucose in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.
Synthesis of oxytocin in amnion, chorion, and decidua may influence the timing of human parturition.
The potential of amniotic membrane/amnion-derived cells for regeneration of various tissues.
Characterization of prostaglandin production in amnion-derived WISH cells ☆ ☆☆
Synthesis of oxytocin in amnion, chorion and decidua: a potential paracrine role for oxytocin in the onset of human parturition.
Mice deficient for BMP2 are nonviable and have defects in amnion/chorion and cardiac development.
Differences in sialic acid-galactose linkages in the chicken egg amnion and allantois influence human influenza virus receptor speci...