- She displayed great fixity of purpose.
她目标始终如一。 - Darwin challenged the fixity of species.
Asset Fixity and Investment Asymmetry in Agriculture
Metrolingualism: fixity, fluidity and language in flux
Seed fixity in the prostate/periprostatic region following brachytherapy
Shape Fixity and Shape Recovery in a Film of Shape Memory Polymer of Polyurethane Series
Fixity of belief, perceptual aberration, and magical ideation in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Between fixity and motion: accumulation, territorial organization and the historical geography of spatial scales
Feared Consequences, Fixity of Belief, and Treatment Outcome in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
The influence of a chemical boundary layer on the fixity and lifetime of mantle plumes
Creating Liquidity out of Spatial Fixity: The Secondary Circuit of Capital and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
The relative advantages of plasticity and fixity in different environments: when is it good for a plant to adjust?