- We'll do all we can to step up our aid to our fraternal countries.
我们将尽力加强对兄弟国家的援助。 - The party sent its fraternal greetings to the trade union meeting.
党向工会大会致以亲切的问候。 - In other words, their senses of what was fair were similar.No such correlations were seen in the behaviour of fraternal twins.
Separating identical from fraternal twins
Relatedness and the Fraternal Major Transitions
Fraternal birth order and the maternal immune hypothesis of male homosexuality.
Fraternal bonding in the locker room: a profeminist analysis of talk about competition and women.
Stat5a and Stat5b: fraternal twins of signal transduction and transcriptional activation
How Many Gay Men Owe Their Sexual Orientation to Fraternal Birth Order?
Average evoked response and stimulus intensity in identical and fraternal twins.
The Effect of Genetic Factors for Longevity: A Comparison of Identical and Fraternal Twins in the Swedish Twin Registry
Confirming unexpressed genotypes for schizophrenia. Risks in the offspring of Fischer's Danish identical and fraternal discordant tw...
Individual Differences in Locus of Control During the Second Half of the Life Span for Identical and Fraternal Twins Reared Apart an...