AnagnorisisAnagnorisisAnagnorisisTruth, 'Anagnorisis', and ArgumentSocial-Comic Anagnorisis in La dama duendeAristotle's Definition of "Anagnorisis"Andromache's Anagnorisis: Formulaic Artistry in Iliad 22.437-476La théorie aristotélicienne de l'anagnorisisEmotion, Perception and Anagnorisis in the Comedy of Errors: A Cognitive PerspectiveA Parable of Misrecognition: "Anagnorisis"and the Return of the Repressed from the GulagEpic Visions: Visualising Venus: epiphany and anagnorisis in Valerius Flaccus’ ArgonauticaManipulators and counter-manipulators: anagnorisis in John 21 through the lens of Genesis manipulation scenesDemystifying the Myth of the White Authenticity in Contemporary Afro-American Literature: The Anagnorisis of the "Sameness"of the "...