Hormonal regulation of fruitlet abscission induced by carbohydrate shortage in citrus
Carbohydrate Availability in Relation to Fruitlet Abscission in Citrus
Signaling Pathways Mediating the Induction of Apple Fruitlet Abscission
Carbohydrate and ethylene levels related to fruitlet drop through abscission zone A in citrus
Ethylene biosynthesis and perception in apple fruitlet abscission (Malus domestica L. Borck)
Ethylene responsive genes are differentially regulated during peach fruitlet abscission
Fruitlet abscission: A cDNA-AFLP approach to study genes differentially expressed during shedding of immature fruits reveals the inv...
Chemical and Physical Development of the Pineapple Fruit I. Weight per Fruitlet and Other Physical Attributes
Changes of endogenous IAA, ABA and ZT in pollinated, non-pollinated and parthenocarpic ovary (fruitlet) of citrus
Benzylaminopurine application on two different apple cultivars (Malus domestica) displays new and unexpected fruitlet abscission fea...