- Here's the electronic installation in the aft fuselage.
这里的电子安装在机身尾部。 - Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane.
Splicing fuselage sections without shims
Double-lobe fuselage composite airplane
Progress in Finite-Volume Calculations for Wing-Fuselage Combinations
The computational post buckling analysis of fuselage stiffened panels loaded in compression
Sliding mesh algorithm for CFD analysis of helicopter rotor–fuselage aerodynamics
The Potential of Guided Waves for Monitoring Large Areas of Metallic Aircraft Fuselage Structure
POSICOSS—improved postbuckling simulation for design of fibre composite stiffened fuselage structures
Frequency‐Response Method for Rotorcraft System Identification: Flight Applications to BO 105 Coupled Rotor/Fuselage Dynamics
Integral Airframe Structures (IAS)--- Validated Feasibility Study of Integrally Stiffened Metallic Fuselage Panels for Reducing Manu...
The effects at subsonic speeds of wing fences and a tail on the longitudinal characteristics of a 63 degree swept-wing fuselage comb...