The organization of the murine HOX gene family resembles that of drosophila homeotic genesApoptotic cells provide an unexpected source of Wnt3 signaling to drive hydra head regeneration.The segment-specific gene Krox-20 encodes a transcription factor with binding sites in the promoter region of the Hox-1.4 gene.Evolution of Antp-class genes and differential expression of Hydra Hox/paraHox genes in anterior patterningHOM/HOX homeobox genes are present in hydra (Chlorohydra viridissima) and are differentially expressed during regenerationEvolution of homeobox genes: Q50 Paired-like genes founded the Paired class.ChemInform Abstract: Regioselective Stepwise Growth of Dendrimer Units in the Internal Voids of a Main DendrimerOrigins of neurogenesis, a cnidarian view.Family participation in care to the critically ill: opinions of families and staffLarge Dipole Moments of Phosphorus-Containing Dendrimers