- Aquamarine is a fascinatingly beautiful gemstone.
海蓝宝石是很有趣且迷人的宝石。 - We mainly do pearl and gemstone jewelry.
The Gemstone Object Database Management System.
Class modification in the GemStone object-oriented DBMS
Class Modification in the GemStone Object-Oriented DBMS
System and method for generating a gemstone proportion graphic
From mastodon ivory to gemstone: The origin of turquoise color in odontolite
Metal artefact reduction in gemstone spectral imaging dual-energy CT with and without metal artefact reduction software
Objective characterization of GE discovery CT750 HD scanner: gemstone spectral imaging mode
High-definition CT Gemstone spectral imaging of the brain: initial results of selecting optimal monochromatic image for beam-hardeni...
High Definition CT Gemstone Spectral Imaging of the Phantom: Initial Results of Selecting Optimal Monochromatic Images for Beam-hard...
Preoperative Assessment of the Transeatheter Embolization of Hepatic Carcinoma by Gemstone Spectral Imaging Angiography