- The genitive noun is used attributively .
Hierarchies in the Genitive of Negation
Partitives, Double Genitives and Anti-Uniqueness
Deriving variation from grammar: a study of finnish genitives
The Semantics of Russian Genitive of Negation: The Nature and Role of Perspectival Structure
A Semantic Analysis of the English Genitive. Interaction of Lexical and Formal Semantics
Animacy and grammatical variation—Findings from English genitive variation
Construction of chlorobenzene-utilizing recombinants by progenitive manifestation of a rare event.
Recent changes in the function and frequency of Standard English genitive constructions: a multivariate analysis of tagged corpora
In vitro fertilization techniques with frozen-thawed sperm: a method for preserving the progenitive potential of Hodgkin patients.
Chunking and consolidation: a theoretical synthesis of semantic networks, configuring in conditioning, S--R versus congenitive learn...