InapassageintheGeorgics,Virgilappliestheword to a smallmaskofBacchushungfromtrees to move backandforth in the breeze.
GeorgicsGeorgicsGeorgicsVirgil's Georgics and the Art of ReferenceVergil's "Georgics"and the Traditions of Ancient Epic: The Art of Allusion in Literary History by Joseph FarrellInfluence of naloxone on rectal sensitivity and accommodation of the rectum after consecutive distensions in healthAmerican Georgics: Economy and Environment in Early American Literature by Timothy SweetMonica Gale: Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic TraditionPatterns of Redemption in Virgil's Georgics by L. MorganPatterns of redemption in Virgil's Georgics /Patterns of redemption in Virgil's GeorgicsReading Virgil's "Georgics"as a Scientific Text: The Eighteenth-Century Debate between Jethro Tull and Stephen SwitzerVirgil the Farmer? Critiques of theGeorgicsin Columella and Pliny