- When you're ill, wanting to get well again is often half the battle.
生病时,有决心把病治好往往是最为重要的。 - I hope you'll get well soon.
希望你很快康复。 - Take it easy. You'll get well soon.
Get Well
Government vastly underestimates potential health and environment damages from climate change
If you have to prove you are ill, you can't get well. The object lesson of fibromyalgia.
Do anorectics get well? Current research and future needs.
The public image of the nurse on the get-well card: to see ourselves as others see us.
GET WELL: an automated surveillance system for gaining new epidemiological knowledge
Get well toy
How to get well in Tzintzuntzan
Eat well to get well
Recently published papers: choose well, treat well, get well--which matters most?
Do Wellness Tourists Get Well? An Observational Study of Multiple Dimensions of Health and Well-Being After a Week-Long Retreat: