
英 [ˌdʒaɪgæn'ti:ən]
美 [dʒaɪ'gæntiən]
  • adj.


  • 学习怎么用


    Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Calotropis gigantean Leaf
    皱大球蚧(Eulecanium kuwanai)和瘤坚大球蚧(Eulecanium gigantean)地理种群的RAPD遗传分化
    Studies on anti-convulsant activity of stem barks of Calotropis gigantean Linn. In experimental animals
    Study of Chemical Components and Antimicrobial Activity of Volatile Oil of Macrocybe gigantean (Massee)
    Correction: Wang, Z.-N., et al. A New Cytotoxic Pregnanone from Calotropis gigantean. Molecules 2008, 13, 3033-3039.
    Immunorestorative and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Leaf Aqueous Extract of Calotropis gigantean Using Flow Cytometry
    Prevention of high-fructose diet induced insulin resistance by Nyctanthes arbortristis and Calotropis gigantean in rats.
    RAPD analysis of genetic divergence among populations in Eulecanium kuwanai Kanda and Eulecanium gigantean Shinji皱大球蚧(Eulecanium...
    Morphometric traits and condition indices in artificially induced hybrids and their parental species, Haliotis gigantean Gmelin (fem...
    Fourcassié, V., and Oliveira, P. S. Foraging ecology of the giant Amazonian ant Dinoponera gigantean (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Pone...