- Glebe outputs of wheat, production of small, need a little water.
旱田产出小麦,产量小,对水源的需求量小。 - They thanked for the self-giving presents of this glebe, at the same time, they also console the loneliness of this glebe.
Recent advances in hepatitis B virus research: A German point of view
Viral and cellular determinants involved in hepadnaviral entry
Transcription of hepatitis B virus in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from persistently infected patients.
Pre-S1 Antigen-Dependent Infection of Tupaia Hepatocyte Cultures with Human Hepatitis B Virus
Mapping of the hepatitis B virus attachment site by use of infection-inhibiting preS1 lipopeptides and tupaia hepatocytes.
QTL for body weight and condition factor in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): comparative analysis with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus myk...
Role of glycosaminoglycans for binding and infection of hepatitis B virus.
Precocious sexual maturation and smoltification in male Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar )
Peripheral blood dendritic cells are phenotypically and functionally intact in chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection
Development of an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) genetic improvement program: genetic parameters of harvest body weight and carcass q...